Could We R.O.C.?
Please let me fix this heart I have chipped.
Please escort me to get bombed with tattoos,
and play laser tag.
Address the masses,
and make our assistive devices proud.
Molasses and honey:
boil that Queen Bee.
This transformative merge,
R.O.C. Nation and I
I did not want Vic Mensa to die;
He registered as an actual threat!
He has rocks over the troubled turn tables.
At every level, every stage.
The Whore of Babylon was even previously raised from the grave.
These minds I enslave;
they edit my words-
and praise-
and claim to blame the puppet holder,
These words I exchange,
are currency over Cain.
I am undefeated with the Cain too,
To the Brimstone Cain, reset
My new life, I am risen
My net, my fate.
These bags and cakes.
Beautiful game,
I will take a walk of shame,
if they blaspheme my name.
To the smoke shop,
Eden was my home base:
there were marijuana leaves in abundance,
Oh right, wait!
“That new Earth, could you explain?”
Permanent for some whom we have chosen.
I am dodging student loans with traffic cones,
In America we need consistent change.
Those guns go bang,
it wrecks by brain.
This potential rain of tears I wipe away!
I will fight through the pain,
to clear my name.
Oh, what a name,
for them to ring.
Especially with new contacts for words arranged;
hit it in the bullseye range.
Hehe, bang!
On theft when they call-
around the clock,
I searched the block and
circled the same rock.
I told one of my favorites to put Lincoln in the sock,
oh boy-
yes she was shocked.
Tics toc;
miss with the rockets,
hearts unlock
and overdoses-
lets stop them.