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  • Writer's pictureHeavenly Chaos

Fresh Like Basquait

Look at how time flies

Reverse, thin ride

Revert the skies and address the dials

My niece’s surprise

7, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th & 8th

Apple iPad, we meet face to face

Grand prize

Watch my spirit “Rize”

For now seek supplies

Medicate your prophets?

False grind

Bring the grinder, coffee bean

Kandi let’s go

Now, please!

Legend is as legend does

Progress through the weeks

Gaze at the highest star

Bars and cars, clock in

Group clause, not Santa Clause

Welp, that is a new clause!


”It is drips, it spills”


When it drips it spills

Drip gave me chill thrills

Dashaun King Basquiat

My design mentality is off of airplane mode

Let’s go, price list

To raise my net, erase the debt

Cmon, do not fret


Better yet, lets race the internet

Clean sweep, I swept!

You rake, miles left

To explore, gaze right

Next flight

To my brother Captain M. Harmon

Take in the sights!

Take flight!

Thing Thing Thing

This performance?

Tears shall rain down in seasons

Hopeful reason, one was treason

One day the supreme will be seated

Every one else, defeated

Balloon pop


I am ancient and my lines are outdated


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