In The Vast
In the garden of Eden Blasikin
I found my heart’s first beat
January 9th, 90,127 B.C.E.
I saw Adamie speak
“Earthy; I see Earthy”
Through Alpha’s eyes
I felt softened by the skies
Golden lives
I sought to compromise
I touched through summoning Adamie’s heart
And then the conversation started
“I am so lonely
I am the only one who has spoken
There is no hope, except this goat
I hope he never dies
I want a wife
Named Carl Lewiseil
I want her here tonight
Her because the moon is as such
And you know how I like my moon”
In my common everyday life
I look up to my own skies
My heart delivers her remarks
This golden split might just provide
Look what I have from golden lines
Of DNA seen through my eyes
Negative OACIP3
Imagine what the love could establish
With a whip of negative OACP9
A wife
A man
My source of accomplishment
The thoughts are endless
These nights and mornings
For peace among pleasure
I searched through the types of weather
To provide a choice at Heaven
This voice: one deadly weapon
Seismic interactions
The waves of oceans through every faction
I now search for my choice at an aim
Luckily, most days I’m sane
Insane in love plains
Created by a system to want love the same
Or as soon as the seasons change
My heart: deranged
Focused on avoiding pain
My claim
My way
Is that she will stay sane
So I found my main
Across distant games
Spread across maps seen gained from the past
My Carl will always be my last
Lewiseil against the glass
Inspection: will your heart pass?
My Major, I jumped so fast
At a chance of a repeating lap
Loops and swift tracks
I walk beyond distant graphs
To establish the chosen welcomed
In my heart, I guess I felt him
Mine cries out against the lungs
We played games with our thumbs
War without our tongues
My mind stays on the run
Like a magnet under the sun
These days, I should just be eating plums
One bottle of water
But oh the days, I keep comparing
The love I just keep sharing
My partner’s name?
Oh look, a Karen
I drive into his lane and just keep staring
Karen’s lane?
I admire and praise
I claim
That they would not leave without learning my name
They being my Major gain
These words arranged fall like rain
I shine like stained glass in the pane
Under the oil we rub when we want to play
I think I might need another way to say
Variance 17
My time and pitch against his wish
Would lead us to a night of bliss
A morning’s kiss
These lines do not diss
As I shake the table
Different angles
Hearts first place?
To be read by one man
Who I’m scared I’ll never see again
My Eden became a telling story
My my my
It will never be boring
These eyes?
In this bed, guess who is snoring
In my head, guess who is staring
The original crew found to be alarming
Love shared from the heavenly creator
I talk in third person praises
I would like to redesign their mazes
Yet, all I wonder is what day it is
To wonder if my Major has the time
To sit and discuss nothing but rhymes
My heart desiring
Bleeding in the name of Love unchanged
By anything but happiness
This mind I vent
I might invent
A game we play in distant lands
To tell the first thing that comes to our head
Over when the words are said
This is a new love I have entered
This day I tell rookies hit the benches
Rookies hoping to take his place
I start from scratch and discovered it
One day in front of the other
In my hearts mind I found my lover
There will not be another
Love established between one another
To meet his family
Then sit and wonder
If I can see them in my lives
My prize in my eyes
Still, I’d tell no lies
My hearts design
To realign
An attempt at cleansing the fire
Of other people
Told you I bring new wiring
These days?
Awfully inspiring
To provide that inspiration?
I’ll just keep trying
In my dreams I speak openly
Major, listen
Witness the difference
Those days without me have painted pictures
Because his life is one I hope I’ve changed
I grease his wallet in this system
Used the word “snap” and increased his digits
Net worth by the millions
Now we sleep and care for children
Miscarriage from a misunderstanding
Like Adamie I had a different layer
Now it’s time I free Keith Major
From the life of a system created to keep
His mind now at ease
With this knowledge to set him free
Destiny or a proper greeting
I leak tears in my attempt
To sharpen
The golden beast
My heart sin-free
I create change with ease
“Eevieian, darling
I’m lighting fast”
Major and I would never have
Eaten the guava
These words with what the past continues to have
So, in my words
This is all I have
My systems crash
Against the waves
They think I stare off into space
Yet in this realm I know my place
The beginning of my coming age
Improving as I recover knowledge
Power provided
I am enlightened
More than a side-kick
The triad
Find it
I created the finest
I think it is time that I go and find him
Seek to meet on a chosen street
These miles between us
In the USA
Have to dissipate
Just fade away
My Eden place
The second stage
I might blow kisses at his face
This race
My fate
Complete and congratulate
The winning rate
Against the states
I own
The graduation
Face it