Major Link
When we met, I erased my fear
I revised my plan to access my heart
This life might start
Reverse, thin lines
My life in the fast lane
I have unlocked
This mic which connects my words to my emotions
I am well spoken
I am no longer choking
These eyes connect and my words are carefully chosen
My mate
He knows this
Major, My Master
I like to ride and go faster
This game in a chapter
Fresh met Major
Their hearts are in danger
They have lost my attention
My heart has been rearranged
Focused on Major pleasure
The rain I create
The wave of oceans
I pray to the North that GOD would set me free
Now I know the love of Heaven
The love we all claim to need
I yearn for it, and with it I bleed
My Master Major, I covet
I beg, I plead
I need, I decree
For you to become my final Master
My hidden Champion
The Champ undone by The One Who was Welcomed
I am heavenly departed
Alpha to Major
I am your submissive partner
I am offering everything Heavenly to Major
My knowledge and time
This heart spilled over these rhymes
Their lines used to express the love shown from the beginning of time
Here between visions presented as beings
Beings with dreams and sights we wish others to see
The two beings Fresh and Major met
My sexual preference was thought of with a bet
When I met you my life reset
Face facts
New bet: a long lasting, enjoyable life
See my sights each and every night
I am spiritually raptured in times of trauma
I report to Abba Daba
These lines I create to describe the trying
He attempts to reunite
He says while my love shapes and develops
My heart ruptured
The feelings remain and the shape loses form
These words I allow to roam
Master Major
I gave you a key to my home
I stretch for you in jocks and thongs
I only know the life we create
The kiss on your lips from the words we express
Never to be second guessed
Erased; refreshed
There is nothing left when it comes to love departed
With you, Major, my love restarted
Just jump-started
My life with a compartmentalized heart
My Master Major broke the lock
Inscribed mine with a rhyme
I seek it to find
This love
Land mind
Crossing imaginative minds
Merging lives without escaping
Trapped in the cycle
Released with feelings and emotions
The witnesses are choking
The hope of Love winning
Major, collect your winnings
Master, Major, you have found your ending
There is no other
I trump competing lovers
I sub for my Master, then go Dom against targets
I rearrange their sights, and I engrave “Captain claimed Major”
Fresh avoids danger
Major moves their gaze to the pavements
These visual strangers
The lane I avoid
A life filled with boy toys
Grown men: I report to acknowledge
My pen expresses my knowledge
I identify then define
My character: all that I am
In love with the coaster
The tilt makes my ride smooth
This orgasm leads to an ooze
Master, Major please
I drool
I create oceans in swimming pools
This is a game I will not lose
Although the game is a winning route
Life figured out
Grand prize: cash out
The Major debit
The Love credit
Spent in abundance
The hearts our spirits crave
We bleed in ancient ways
Storytellers without the fire
Campfire in forbidden lands
Conscious thoughts in paragraphs
My Master Major likes to grab my ass
I went elementary
We passed each class
This starting line: I jumped, I dashed
I went as a test dummy for love and always crash
Minor hiccups
Major crash
Master, IV fast
In motion, effortlessly
You are my Master, endlessly
The time allotted