The Telepath
The experiences of an era
I’m weary of my abilities
Debilitating fairies
The doubt that was airy
You know those are the fairies
Doubt that says ESP will lead the dream
Extrasensory perception
I’d lose my team
In the scene I process
Interaction from distance
Not an intrusion but an instant
An intrusion on my thoughts
Yet, I hear your voice
Have heard your voice
Seen you by choice
Allah’s boy
On my thoughts and not my emotions
Are my words and those of the chosen
Yet I feel hopeless
Deaf to the tones of voices
In my ability
Not in person
XYZ to meet and greet
Eventually there will be another summoning
Humming vent
The life I spend
Established vent
As I stress to process the thoughts within
When in reality their voices could trigger deeper emotion
A stamp on the heart that I typically do not show
Unless dreaming of holding my love by snow
Communication from mind to mind
Telepath design
Reimagine the transformation
Their lives in different places
Weightless in my mind, but they feel thirteen meter pressure ounces greater
ESP compiled of three Chromosomes 7, 12, and 13
57 64 88 99
Let me explain that last line
“Telepathy has drastically changed my life”
This voice in their life
I need a knife to my skull
These words, never dull
My 57th lymph node
The brain is constricted
These membranes witness
The changing visions
Images of surgery options
I wish to hear and witness
Excuse my covet
But I am above it
Under the pressure of the 19th chromosome though
These words like destiny in majesty
They speak mentally, and eventually
My brain raptured
Hold your sympathies
Alive to be who I was meant to be
This is the story
Empty spaces capture me
I grasp them with their chromosome 53
They sleep with their chromosome 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
11,238 for numerology
“This is the description of my transformative resting state”
Intelligence enhancing
Not due to telepathy, to state clearly
The severity
Peace this life granted me when fast asleep
I aim to inform
Not alarm
I could trigger their forearm
As I type, I am clairvoyant
This skin I’m drenched in feels like weight under water
Massaging pressure to the witness
Conversations with statements like “I don’t want to hear this shit”
I hear their thoughts and read their statements
My mind arrangement
You cannot replace it
Flip from basic
The miles are swaying the matter
Electromagnetic waves that splatter
These are the targets: your 7th and 17th chromosome matter
The bladder under tight exchanged muscle weight matter
A true physical reaction